Thursday, December 17, 2009

~Trying to study~

It's sooooo hard to concentrate when you have so many stuff on your mind! Expecially the boring subjects that will make you sleep instantly. =.= See the sweets they are to keep me awake! =D

 Chocolate is what keeps me going through this torturous and very boring subjects! That is why I get hyper throughout this hols! =D

Other than chocolate that keeps me going it's another thing that does also keep me going... 

Sleeping...=D haha

 Once again...

~Fluttery Butterflies~

This entry is about butterflies as my blog is named after it...=D

Butterflies are the beauty of mother nature....       They come in different forms of colours and patterns...=)

Butterflies gives us....                                        Hope....                                                   Courage.....                                                                                          And natural understandings between mother nature....

So make this Christmas....                                                            A time where....                                                                   Sparks and hope....                                                              Comes alive...
So have a great day and....