Wednesday, January 27, 2010

~My look alikes names~

What's weird is when this book was published it was the best selling novels! Cool right?

Haha this lady is named Georgina-Chapman!

This lady here is a famous model!~
Pretty right? =3

The Swimmer! Champion! WOOT!
It's all about look alikes names and famous ppl 2! =D
Keep a lookout! =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

~Swing girls!~

Yea this is the movie we are gonna watch! =D 
Here's more details...

The trombonist! lol looks like someone familiar but can't figure out who! 

Trumpets! =D

And the saxaphonist!

Here's the whole ochestra! 

So cool! But I can't find the flutes and clarinets,tuba and the precussions...:'(
 Oh well Here's the posters as well....(I found the drummer on the poster!)=D

The conductor looks retarded! 

Hah! I told you I found the drummer!                                   ^^^^^^^^ =p

Crap I just found out this movie is all about jazz music! D: Wonder if I'll saty awake through the movie....>.<
Stay tuned! =D 


~Cold weather and awkward stuff~

Rain rain rain =.=
Stupid and cold!
Hate rain!
But I only like it when I can actually sleep in..:)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

~2010 The horror!!!~

PMR is like a few months away and I'm starting to panic like crazy wonder if I'll survive this! The first day started out kinda messy...and I hope the following weeks to come will be better! I know it's short but I will update this again soon...

Pray for 7A's!!!!!!!!! =D